Sunday, April 2, 2017

How we totally missed our flight to Finland

12:30 PM Saturday, April 1st - London 
Heathrow Airport, British Airways Customer Service Desk

Polar: Wait, so what are you saying?
British Airways: I am saying that since you missed your flight, your only option is to rebook. Rebooking to get you to Helsinki tomorrow will cost you…. 3000 GBP.
Polar: 3000 pounds?!
British Airways: Each.
Lolo: Wait, so we can't go to Finland because we were sixty seconds late?
British Airways: It's Easter. Every flight is booked. Sorry.
Polar: So basically we're screwed.
British Airways: Basically... yes.

Let’s back up.

Fall 2016 - Boston
lolo’s Apartment 

Polar: Hey, do you wanna go to the arctic circle on a husky safari?
lolo: Maybe. Sounds cold. I hate cold.
Polar: But look at all the doggos!
A post shared by Hettahuskies (@hettahuskies) on

lolo: brb. Requesting time off work.

December 2016 - Boston

Polar: You know getting to the husky farm is actually pretty tricky. We have to take a 2 hour flight North from Helsinki and then ride another 2.5 hours on a bus that only goes twice a day. We have to time it just right.
lolo: Okay, let's just book the huskies first and figure out the details later.

January 2017 - Boston

Polar: Check it out, I found these flights to and from Helsinki that work for everything we need.
lolo: bae...hang on. Look at this first. This is a bad idea, right? Right? We definitely shouldn't do this, right?

Polar: brb. Rerouting us through London
lolo: You realize we have tickets to Sohn the night before this? Also Make it New after Sohn…
Polar: That works fine. There is a 7 AM flight Friday morning. We'll go to the airport after I finish with Project Pablo/Make It New duties, sleep on the plane, and arrive in London 8 PM London time. We'll shower, eat, and be dancing in Corsica Studios by midnight.

8 PM March 31, 2017 - London
British Airways Flight Circling Heathrow

lolo: Were you able to sleep on the plane?
Polar: Meh... You?
lolo: meh…
Polar: Ok then. Plan is Heathrow Express, hotel, tube to South London, food, club.

6:05 AM Saturday, April 1st - London
Route148 Bus, Leaving Corsica Studios



Polar: omg, this sunrise is amazing! Let's get off the bus early and walk through Hyde Park!
lolo: let's!

6:30 AM Saturday, April 1st - London
Hyde Park

lolo: That homeless man’s five French bulldogs were ADORABLE.
Polar: I am not sure he was homeless.
lolo: He just told us a story about getting into trouble for building a fire in Hyde Park to dry out his clothes.
Polar: Maybe he was just a hipster.

11 AM Saturday, April 1st - London

lolo: We have time to go buy stockings at that store that doesn't exist in the US before our flight. Right?
Polar: It’ll be a little tight. Let’s go.

12:30 PM Saturday, April 1st - London 
Heathrow Airport, British Airways Customer Service Desk

Polar: Wait, so what are you saying?
British Airways: I am saying that since you missed your flight, your only option is to rebook. Rebooking to get you to Helsinki tomorrow will cost you…. 3000 GBP.
Polar: 3000 pounds?!
British Airways: Each.
Lolo: Wait, so we can't go to Finland because we were sixty seconds late?
British Airways: Gate closes automatically. It's Easter. Every flight is booked. Sorry.
Polar: So basically we're screwed.
British Airways: Basically... yes.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

41 Election Reactions by Joss Whedon's Characters

If you are a fan of the man called Joss, then it is no surprise to you that he is not to thrilled with the results of the 2016 election. Luckily, he is back on twitter these days with words of despair and inspiration that we love him for so much.

I (Polar) found myself turning to Firefly these days for comfort and hope because, honesty, if I managed to smile again after the whole "leaf on the wind" and what followed scene, then I may survive what's ahead.

So anyway... Here is

41 Election Reactions by Joss Whedon's Characters

(These were hard to find because Joss's characters so rarely experience pain and despair)

The "OMG, did this really just happen?!?!?!" reaction

HULU facepalm firefly nathan fillion malcolm reynolds

The "I am terrified but I am too macho to run out of the room screaming" reaction

The "I am definitely not ashamed to run out of the room screaming" reaction

HULU firefly alan tudyk hoban washburne tv

The "I drowned my sorrows on Tuesday night hoping to wake up on Wednesday in an alternate universe" reaction

firefly nathan fillion adam baldwin jayne cobb mal reynolds

The "He won but not by popular vote" reaction

The "See you. I will spend the next 4 years in a k-hole" reaction

The "He said he wants to build a wall! You heard he was planning to build an actual wall and you thought it was a good idea???" reaction

Image result for zoe serenity gif

The "Oh fuck, we are all gonna die" reaction

The "Oh gawd, please let this be a bad trip" reaction

The "I am totally defeated and plan to literally not leave my house for the next 4 years" reaction

time firefly

The "I don't think I will ever stop crying" reaction

The "Shit, I think I will just panic. Yeah, panic seems like a good idea right now" reaction

sky line firefly

The "No more pictures of Obama's dogs?" reaction

The "I plan to be very drunk from now and until 2020" reaction

Image result for alexis denisof giv

The "I am a tough bitch and I never cry but y'all broke me today" reaction

Image result for alexis denisof giv

The "I take it back when I said I don't care who wins and I just want this nightmare to be over. I want to go back to Monday when this new nightmare hasn't started yet" reaction

Image result for alexis denisof giv

The "I have a terminal disease and I may die before this over so yeah thanks for that you assholes!" reaction

Image result for alexis denisof giv

The "It will be so embarrassing to be a cis white man for the next 4 years" reaction

The "I don't believe in the supernatural but seriously is this some sort of an alternate reality?" reaction

The "Bernie? I need Bernie to speak and make me feel like there is hope! BERNIEEEEE!" reaction

The "Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, please let us come and live with you! Please!!!!" reaction

The "Mike Pence is the new VP now" reaction

The "Oh gawd... And Melania is the first lady..." reaction

nsfw gross sarah michelle gellar buffy summers disgusted

The "My city finally started recycling and now we have a president who thinks climate change is a hoax" reaction

The "If I am that pissed and I am white, I can't even imagine what people of color must feel like right now" reaction

Image result for charles gunn gif

The "Oh Mike pence thinks he can convert the gays through "therapy" WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?" reaction

The "Oh great, Giuliani is gonna be speaker of the house or something now..." reaction

The "After Obama??? AFTER OBAMA???" reaction

Image result for charles gunn gif

The "Maybe we should try an exorcism instead of swearing him in and if his head turns 360 degrees, then we can call these results null and void?" reaction

Image result for charles gunn gif

The "It's gonna be awesome to be speaking about women's issues in the upcoming future" reaction

The "I totally thought that all the jokes about his tiny hands would sway the vote in Hillary's favor!" reaction

The "Women voted for a guy accused of sexual assault. What are you crazy?" reaction

The "But the polls and the media assured us there is no way this would happen!" reaction

The "They got the House and Senate majority too?!?!?!" reaction

The "Oh goddamit, The freaking creationist ghoul Ben Carson is back in my life?" reaction

day blog patrick dr sing

The "There is gonna be no more Biden & Obama memes" reaction

Image result for captain hammer gif

The "Instead we will have Trump & Pence memes" reaction

bradley whitford mine1 amy acker cabin in the woods brian white

The "I may have to stop having sex because I get my birth control from Planned Parenthood and they are gonna be the first to go" reaction

The "What's gonna happen to @flotus and @potus twitter handles?" reaction

The "This is the end. Smoke 'em if you got 'em" reaction

And lastly, if you happen to live in one of the states that just legalized marijuana
The "I plan on spending the next 4 years blazed outta my mind" reaction

fran kranz the cabin in the woods cabin in the woods citw tcitw

Hope this brought a smile to your face. Oh and Joss, seriously, a Doctor Horrible sequel would probably make everyone feel better. It could be about how Captain Hammer bullied his way to become the head of the Evil League of Evil. Just sayin...

Thursday, September 22, 2016

How Not To Hit On Women At The Bar

polar: Last night lolo and I went to the opera. My friend J, who is some kind of a boss on the production team for Boston Lyric Opera, hooked us up with tickets.

By the way, The show - Bizet's "Carmen" - was fantastic and probably my favorite out of everything I have seen from BLO over the past few years.

Afterwards, we wanted to meet with J and catch up and thank him for the tickets. He was tied up in a production meeting, and so we waited by the back stage door, ogling all the actors.

lolo: They were very oglible. Ooglble? Whatever, they were cute.

polar: Finally we decide we would enjoy waiting for J that much more at a neighborhood bar, so we walked to The Tam. The Tam, if you aren't familiar, is the last remaining true dive bar in the otherwise glamorous theater district, complete with $3 Rolling Rocks and a game of Buck Hunter.

lolo: Also, you can bring pizza slices the size of your head from the place next door inside, which we did.

polar: So lolo and grab our whiskeys and sit at a table, deeply ensconced in conversation. We reiterate to each other that this is a work night and we are not to get shitfaced. We are here for one drink and to wait for J.

lolo: Definitely just one drink.

polar: However, two women enjoying each other's company is basically an abomination in this city, so in about five minutes we end up with two dudes trying to chat us up.

lolo: Actually, one of these dudes started chatting us up on our way INTO the bar before the door guy had even finished carding us. In retrospect, it was like he was trying to claim us before any other dudes inside could. Yeech.

polar: The story that follows will show their hilarious downfall. Before you get all upset, let me tell you - these dudes were awful. I am not here to bash people who try to manufacture a human connection out of thin air with a stranger in a bar. It takes a lot of guts and courage to come up to a person and start a conversation.

lolo: Right. I mean, I frequently point out to polar how antisocial bars in Boston can be. I appreciate it when people are friendly and chatty. Just the other night polar and I met an awesome couple at Park Street, and ended up exchanging contact info and hugging goodbye. We like people. We really do.

polar: Well, lolo likes people. I just kinda tolerate them more after a strong alcoholic infusion. Aaaaanywaaay... Where I am going with this is (all people hating aside) these dudes were fucking terrible! Like -- ask you a question and then interrupt you when you are answering it with a "you are so beautiful" -- kind of terrible. We tell them we are waiting for a friend, they don't go away.

lolo: Several more awkward minutes into this disaster, I literally stop the guy and tell him he is doing it all wrong, and I offer him a do-over.

polar: Yeah, I tell him he can get up, walk away, and come back to try again and we will pretend it's the first time he came to the table. No dice, he's not even listening. lolo and I are close to being openly rude (which, by the way, takes a lot since lolo is from the Midwest and therefore allergic to being rude). They STILL don't go away.

lolo: They insist on getting us another round, even though we tell them we don't want any more drinks. They get it anyway. There goes our one drink promise.... sigh.

polar: And then, right at the moment that they return with our drinks, J enters.

Now here is a quick description of J. He is like 6'4", conventionally attractive, one of these classically built dudes with the whole upside down triangle broad shoulder thing going on, ink, studded ears, and recently he bought a bike. Years ago we dated but somehow managed to not fuck up the friendship in the breakup so now we can hang together and it's not weird.

So here enters J.

lolo: It's important to be able to picture this appropriately. J strides in wearing a black leather motorcycle jacket, carrying a helmet, looking like exactly the kind of dude our suitors would be TERRIFIED of. J isn't trying to be macho or anything, he's just walking over and then sitting down, and he's still these guys' worst nightmare. One of the dudes immediately stands up and starts choking on his own words. I think he was half introducing himself and half apologizing?

polar: It was probably the most amazing entrance I've ever seen. As soon as J was at our table, one could read on the dudes' faces "Fuuuuuck! We can't compete with this..." and then they dematerialized. So now lolo and I had drinks we didn't pay for AND we didn't have to endure any more of the company of the aspiring pickup masters.

lolo: We are laughing and trying to explain to J what he managed to do for us.

polar: I told him he was like The Fonz.

lolo: Yeah, but if the Fonz was ACTUALLY cool.

polar: So what's the moral of this story? The moral of the story is to listen when you are trying to pick up women in a bar.

lolo: If they tell you you are doing it wrong, you're doing it wrong.

polar: And if they are telling you they got a friend coming, then they probably have a friend coming. And he is probably more awesome than you.

Pictured: polar leaving the bar on J's bike. 
Totally not pictured: Those dudes, thank god.