If you are a fan of the man called Joss, then it is no surprise to you that he is not to thrilled with the results of the 2016 election. Luckily, he is back on twitter these days with words of despair and inspiration that we love him for so much.
I (Polar) found myself turning to Firefly these days for comfort and hope because, honesty, if I managed to smile again after the whole "leaf on the wind" and what followed scene, then I may survive what's ahead.Trump's enemies list is the school musical all over again - my stomach is in knots cuz when they post it i just KNOW i won't see my name— Joss Whedon (@joss) November 12, 2016
So anyway... Here is
41 Election Reactions by Joss Whedon's Characters
(These were hard to find because Joss's characters so rarely experience pain and despair)The "OMG, did this really just happen?!?!?!" reaction

The "I am terrified but I am too macho to run out of the room screaming" reaction

The "I am definitely not ashamed to run out of the room screaming" reaction

The "I drowned my sorrows on Tuesday night hoping to wake up on Wednesday in an alternate universe" reaction

The "He won but not by popular vote" reaction

The "See you. I will spend the next 4 years in a k-hole" reaction

The "He said he wants to build a wall! You heard he was planning to build an actual wall and you thought it was a good idea???" reaction

The "Oh fuck, we are all gonna die" reaction

The "Oh gawd, please let this be a bad trip" reaction

The "I am totally defeated and plan to literally not leave my house for the next 4 years" reaction

The "I don't think I will ever stop crying" reaction

The "Shit, I think I will just panic. Yeah, panic seems like a good idea right now" reaction

The "No more pictures of Obama's dogs?" reaction

The "I plan to be very drunk from now and until 2020" reaction

The "I am a tough bitch and I never cry but y'all broke me today" reaction

The "I take it back when I said I don't care who wins and I just want this nightmare to be over. I want to go back to Monday when this new nightmare hasn't started yet" reaction

The "I have a terminal disease and I may die before this over so yeah thanks for that you assholes!" reaction

The "It will be so embarrassing to be a cis white man for the next 4 years" reaction

The "I don't believe in the supernatural but seriously is this some sort of an alternate reality?" reaction

The "Bernie? I need Bernie to speak and make me feel like there is hope! BERNIEEEEE!" reaction

The "Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, please let us come and live with you! Please!!!!" reaction

The "Mike Pence is the new VP now" reaction

The "Oh gawd... And Melania is the first lady..." reaction

The "My city finally started recycling and now we have a president who thinks climate change is a hoax" reaction

The "If I am that pissed and I am white, I can't even imagine what people of color must feel like right now" reaction

The "Oh Mike pence thinks he can convert the gays through "therapy" WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?" reaction

The "Oh great, Giuliani is gonna be speaker of the house or something now..." reaction

The "After Obama??? AFTER OBAMA???" reaction

The "Maybe we should try an exorcism instead of swearing him in and if his head turns 360 degrees, then we can call these results null and void?" reaction

The "It's gonna be awesome to be speaking about women's issues in the upcoming future" reaction

The "I totally thought that all the jokes about his tiny hands would sway the vote in Hillary's favor!" reaction

The "Women voted for a guy accused of sexual assault. What are you crazy?" reaction

The "But the polls and the media assured us there is no way this would happen!" reaction

The "They got the House and Senate majority too?!?!?!" reaction

The "Oh goddamit, The freaking creationist ghoul Ben Carson is back in my life?" reaction

The "There is gonna be no more Biden & Obama memes" reaction

The "Instead we will have Trump & Pence memes" reaction

The "I may have to stop having sex because I get my birth control from Planned Parenthood and they are gonna be the first to go" reaction

The "What's gonna happen to @flotus and @potus twitter handles?" reaction

The "This is the end. Smoke 'em if you got 'em" reaction

And lastly, if you happen to live in one of the states that just legalized marijuana
The "I plan on spending the next 4 years blazed outta my mind" reaction

Hope this brought a smile to your face. Oh and Joss, seriously, a Doctor Horrible sequel would probably make everyone feel better. It could be about how Captain Hammer bullied his way to become the head of the Evil League of Evil. Just sayin...